Personal data privacy policy

In the course of its activities, Baluchon Long-term Respite Care and the Baluchon Long-term Respite Care Foundation collect and use information in order to fulfill its mission of providing respite. Our two organizations are therefore subject to Bill 25, the Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information. Your privacy and the protection of your personal information are important to us, and we act accordingly to meet our duties and obligations. In order to meet the new requirements and demonstrate the greatest transparency regarding the information we collect, we have decided to remove all tracking tools or interaction that require consent from our website.

Protection of personal information on websites

By personal information, we mean any information about you that you voluntarily provide us (on your registration forms, information request e-mails or when you make a donation) and that makes it possible to identify you. The personal information collected is confidential; only personnel authorized to follow up on the requests for which they are provided have access to it. At no time will this information be made public or sold, nor will it be communicated to third parties without your consent, except to provide the service for which you have registered.

Consent and withdrawal of consent

By providing personal information to Baluchon Long-term Respite Care and the Baluchon Long-term Respite Care Foundation, you authorize us to collect, use and disclose such personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as authorized or required by law.

You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information at any time by e-mailing us at However, if you withdraw your consent, we may no longer be able to respond to your requests for assistance with our services.

Newsletters and other communications

Regarding newsletters and other communications about our activities, you can choose whether or not to receive them. You can change your preferences regarding these communications at any time by sending us a message at, stating that you no longer consent to receive e-mails, newsletters or direct mail.

Personal information collected

The personal information that Baluchon Long-term Respite Care and the Baluchon Long-term Respite Care Foundation may collect following your consent and depending on the services are, without limitation:

Personal information (last name, first name, telephone numbers, postal address, e-mail)

Credit card information

Membership registration date

Donation history

Diagnostic history

History of respite care

How is the information used?

We collect personal information when you use our services or when you voluntarily provide it to us. For example:

By sending you a respite request form

By making an online donation

By contacting us directly through the “Contact us” section

By subscribing to our newsletter

By becoming a member

Personal data collection will be used for these purposes only:

To identify you in our computer systems

To communicate with you periodically during the baluchonnage period

To keep statistics on our customers

To process and follow up your requests

Use of cookies/ Google Analytics

Baluchon Long-term Respite Care and the Baluchon Long-term Respite Care Foundation have decided to remove all tracking or interaction tools that require consent from our website.

Retention of personal data

We retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes set out in the preceding points, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as requirements under tax or accounting laws, or any other legal requirement). If we no longer have a legitimate interest in continuing to process your personal data, we will delete, de-identify or anonymize it.

Baluchon Long-term Respite Care and the Baluchon Long-term Respite Care Foundation have appointed Sophie Morin as the person responsible for compliance with the applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information. As such, she is also responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. If you have any comments or complaints about non-compliance with this policy, please contact:

Sophie Morin, General Manager and Privacy Officer
10 138 rue Lajeunesse, Suite 200

Montréal, QC, H3L 2E2

Phone number: 514-762-2667 ext. 200